Tech Park
Liberty Technology Park Cluj is the ideal tech habitat.

The ideal tech habitat
Technology parks are based on the concept of creativity as resulting from a productive process of cross fertilization between people that activate in different domains. To this extent, a technology park becomes a dynamic ecosystem that fosters top companies and inspirational people, generating thus the key factor necessary for an economic development based on technology: innovation.
On a larger scale, the purpose of such an initiative is to promote economic development and competitiveness between neighboring cities and regions, by creating new jobs based on contemporary technologies, while raising standards concerning the quality of the workplace and the professional life of the employees. A technology park offers rent offices and all the afferent facilities indispensable to a company.

Liberty Technology Park Cluj is such a technology park, a park of ideas, created to offer exceptional growth and developing for companies in the IT&C and R&D and digital industries in one unique area both conceptually and architecturally. The park not only implies flexible and functional spacing in an impressive decor but also offers the top office spaces class A in Cluj, the complete range of services and facilities necessary for the best functioning of every business. Moreover Liberty Technology Park Cluj offers the first business accelerator in Romania – Spherik, research laboratories, event areas but also relaxation areas (restaurant, coffee shop, fitness gym, playgrounds for children, ). The technology park also integrates beautiful large gardens, a lake, multifunctional sport terrains and a retail and health area. All in all, Liberty Technology Park Cluj will be the ideal habitat for encouraging innovation and developments in domains such as R&D, IT&C and technology. Cluj-Napoca is just the place for this considering it has recently reached the statute of „Romanian technopolis”.
Situated in Cluj-Napoca, the most important city of Transylvania, Liberty Technology Park Cluj will highly benefit from its strategic positioning. Cluj-Napoca offers a thriving habitat and a market opened to all types of businesses. Transylvania especially has come to a spectacular developing in tech industries, becoming in the last few years a true nucleus for them. Cluj-Napoca was repeatedly compared to the Silicon Valley area, a business areal for IT businesses and an important market for multinational software developing companies.
The academic history of technology in Transylvania goes back almost a 100 years, in 1920 when the technical university of Cluj-Napoca was established. At its beginings U.T. used to foster the only college with a major in electrical engineering in the country. Though its denomination changed frequently U.T. is today one of the most renowned technical universities in the country.
Being the second most important university center in Romania, Cluj-Napoca is a city with unlimited human resources potential. Every year more than 400 young people enter the work fields in IT. Most of them are graduates of the Mathematics Faculty at Babeş-Bolyai University and Automatics and Computers from the Technical University.
Job offering is still high in Cluj and an estimated growth is foreseen in the years to come. Companies are opened in instructing young graduates but also in attracting human resources potential from cities nearby. Another strength of Cluj-Napoca’s market belonging to these domains is the quality of the linguistic and technical knowledge of the labor force. Cluj’s labor force is renowned for its excellency in domains such as research and development, communication services and technology in Romania.
New technologies are more than a domain in continuous change. IT&C and R&D have become the backbone of contemporary society. Their constant evolution generates a need for specialists that determines companies to allocate more resources in training their own employees. Thus partnerships with universities become a necessity for knowing and training potential employees.In present times, Cluj-Napoca is a well known destination for companies in the IT&C and R&D domains. Our development will fulfill the needs of such a company, offering not only the best office spaces class A in Cluj, but it will also create an environment suitable for generating innovation in technology. Transylvania is the ideal geographical area for creating such a technology park and Cluj-Napoca offers everything that a tech company might need.
Although the offering for office spaces in Cluj-Napoca is high, the demand for renting office spaces class A is also in accession. Over 150 IT&C firms activate in the city and its surroundings and their number is still growing. The large number of companies that chose Cluj-Napoca only helps to prove the fact that this environment is favorable to businesses in these domains.
The technology park we designed for your business is not only flexible, ingenious and inspirational but also environmentally aware. We combined the respect we bare for our heritage with the developing of a sustainable, eco-friendly and energy efficient concept.
By using innovative, eco-friendly and energy efficient technologies we created a superior tech area for all types of businesses. The result as you can see is a quality environment suitable for creative and productive working. The whole project is designed to fulfill all the requirements needed in order to develop a sustainable, green project.
Our approach seeks the efficient usage of natural resources and the reduction of environmental impact in order to secure a sustainable future.

Contact us
Our team is here to assist you, reach out to us confidently for corporate inquiries.